Friday, 22 June 2012

SEPEP Basketball No. 3

Our SEPEP Basketball unit is now finished and the students have finished posting their required reports, photos and video to the blog. We did run into some problems with my iPad being hit by a ball and dropped, smashing the screen. So we were unable to video games 11 and 12.

If you would like to visit our Year 7/8 SEPEP Basketball site click here.

I personally think the course ran really well although there are certainly things I would change next time around. The roles students undertook worked out and they undertook these enthusiastically and maturely.

To find out how the students felt about the unit of work I surveyed them using Survey Monkey to get their thoughts about the course. I was keen to find out what they thought of the roles and also the use of the blog. In general the response was fairly positive but not so much towards the blog with 40% saying they disliked this part of the unit. I was not expecting quite this high a percentage but in hindsight taking a PE lesson out to go to the computer suite to post on our blog was never going to be as fun. I want to try using the blog again but will rethink the roles/expectations of students and the time it took for them to post.

Here is the data from the survey:

1. Did you enjoy having the various roles during our basketball unit?

Yes - it was excellent
Yes - it was good

No - I didn't like it
2. Did you enjoy having a blog to keep, score, share and view our basketball competition on?

Yes - it was excellent
Yes - it was good
No - I did not like it

3. What was one thing that you would change about how this unit was run (what could you make better)?

I would make it better by making people not complain as much.

make the captain fair.

I would change not doing reports on the computer just hand writting them.

have more rounds and have no blog to keep track on.

It was all good.

Choosing our own teams

different teams

not as much bloging about the match

It was pretty good

I would make it so that the roles were more suited to the person that had them.

Make it so that there is two games each day so you get more time on court.

less computer work.

I do not no.

Only people who know how to play umpire

We could of not had the blog

The captain being watched so they be unfair.

Having less actual games and having more games for fun.

Nothing, maybe no blog

Get someone who knows how to umpire to umpire.

to someone who knew how to umpire

Clearly there are some students who do not enjoy writing or posting in PE lessons and would rather be playing the sport than posting about it. Maybe they have a point, I am trying to promote physical activity and sitting in a computer suite for half a lesson is not doing this. I still feel there is some value in using the blog as a tool with a SEPEP unit. I have to try and work it so they benefits are visible to students.

Changes next time:
1. I think a more authentic audience is needed. The blog has been shared with the community through a link in the newsletter. This only happened at the end of the unit. Next time I would put the link out weekly to keep an audience engaged in what the students are doing. With the students knowing this was happening they might see more purpose in keeping their audience informed.
2. Next time I will reconsider what goes on the blog and maybe design some proformas that allow students to post their reports easily.
3. Another possibility could be to share the roles so students rotated between two roles rather than only being exposed to one role. This would help ensure students got to have a go at at least one role they were keen on.

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