We are just over half way in our Year 7/8 Sports Education in Physical Education Program (SEPEP). For those that have not read my first post or are not sure of what SEPEP is click here.
My SEPEP course is a basketball unit and involves 4 teams of which students undertake the following roles as well as playing: coach/captain, umpire, reporter, photographer, camera person/commentator and scorer/time keeper. The season involves 12 games and each student has to undertake their role in the games they are not playing in i.e. if team 1 & 2 are playing then the umpires from teams 3 & 4 will umpire the game. All students have to post reports to our SEPEP Basketball blog.
Click here to visit our 7/8 Basketball blog.
The blog provides teams, premiership table, roles and expectations, photos, video and commentary of games, umpire and scorers reports as well as reports from those students undertaking the reporters role.
It is the first time I have used a blog as the vehicle for recording all the information relating to a SEPEP unit.
I have been very pleased with the way my students have taken on their roles and committed time to put their individual reports, photos and video onto the blog.
Some reflections after the first 7 games:
1. My students are not experienced in basketball and although we spent some time developing skills this could have been done for longer prior to starting the competition. Particularly in the area of using zones in defence.
2. I have needed to provide more time for students to write their 'role' reports in lesson time. To start with I was trying to get through two games per lesson leaving no time for students to record notes etc so when it came time to post their report at the end of the week they had limited notes and this impacted on the quality of their work. Games 1-7 were like this (the blog currently only has information relating to games 1-7). Games 8-12 will be only one game per lesson allowing plenty of time for students to write down notes about the game hopefully improving the quality of their posts.
3. To start with I was only going to have commentators record audio of the game. This quickly changed after game 1 and we used the iPad to record the game through iMovie while the commentators added their comments during the video recording.
4. We haven't had time to deeply analyse how students roles would look if done to a high level and is something I would spend more time focusing on next time. Having done it once I now have the blog as a basis for providing examples and discussion amongst the next group I do a SEPEP unit with.
5. The new roles of reporter, commentator, camera person, photographer have been more welcomed than the traditional roles of association president, secretary etc.
6. Next time I would increased the length of time allocated to running this unit.
Once the unit is finished I will do a final post that no doubt will have some more reflection in it. I intend to use Survey Monkey to find out how the students felt about the types of roles they undertook, the use of a blog as a way of sharing their work/roles and having their work viewed by the wider community (link placed in the newsletter), Twitter, peers and other teachers within their school. Overall I have been very pleased with how the unit has gone so far.
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