Fundamental Movement Skills - What are fundamental movement skills? Provides checklists and video to teach twelve movement skills.
ACHPER - Australian Council for Health Physical Education and Recreation.
HPE Articles - Variety of articles on health and PE. Site managed by Shane Pill, President of ACHPERSA (Australian Council for Health Physical Education and Recreation).
Coaching - Tools and tips for coaching. Useful for senior PE classes.
Active Classrooms- Australian Institute of Sports teacher resource for primary classes.
Kids Health - American site which has a parents, educator, kids and teens sites within it.
Move More Eat Well - This site is supported by Australian Football League and Netball Australia.
PE Central - American site with teacher resources including lesson plans, classroom management ideas, Activ Gaming, shop and more.
PHE Canada - Vision...All children and youth in Canada living healthy, physically active lives.
Clarinda Brown Pearltrees - pegeek Clarinda Brown's Pearltree of HPE online resources.
SEPEP Manual - Sport Education in Physical Education program
The Physical Educator - The sites vision is "to have all of the world's Physical Educators connected, sharing, and collaborating online through various social networks".
You Can Kick Goals - Australian Football League program.
TES Teaching Resources - UK site for all subject areas including PE. Primary and secondary.
Play Sport - PlaySport allows you to search for activities based on the equipment you have, the skills you want to teach, the complexity of the game or the space you have available.
Teach PE - A good resource for senior physical education, teachers and students.
Skills Video Badmiton and Table Tennis